About SPAM!
März 22, 2019Almost daily we are getting reports that LX7I.com is compromized by dating spam. This is actually NOT TRUE!
For some reason, if you search LX7I via google or bing you will be directed to an old outdated site sitting in some cash that is compromized. It is easily to see, because it has the old design.
Please type lx7i.com directly into the url field of your browser (not the search field) and you will be fine!
This is the cached compromised site – NOT LX7I.com
Happy surfing … and no we make no money with dating. 🙂
DF7EE one of the LX7I team!
Dear Philipe
I am yu3ww from yu1exy Belgrade.
Ham radio since 1968. Great station.
Do you need alum tubing 6082T6 and 7020T6.. I am old man now..65.
Comming back to radio.after many years of very successfull bussines.
Will make antenas for low prices to help people. I have stock of alu tubes ..about 30000 kg..diameters from 12mm to 100mm
If you want please give me your number.
My handy is +381 69 333 3302. I am on viber and whats up.
I am now making alum towers made of 2024 T4 alloy. Free standing up to 35 meters. .. new type of rotators. .. this year will make 4 ele 80m OWA .on 27m boom
Best 73..
Mike YU3WW..and 4O3W..
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